Education: Is It Really Worth It?
By Olaleye
Boluwatife Ezekiel
Education! Education! Education!
This is a word we cannot do without hearing every day.
It is a word that is so much elevated all around the world. It is something one
can be proud of, a field that is worthy of specialization.
Before digging deep into the contingents of this
article, it is paramount that education be defined.
Education has no single all-embracing definition. It
can be said to be the knowledge acquired by learning and instruction
It can also be defined as the activities of
instructing; activities that impart knowledge and skill.
Truth is education is vital in our day to day
activities, even in our personal life. It calls for a distinguished lifestyle
or why do some parents want their children to go to school? It is because they
didn’t have the opportunity and it taunts them every day. Though some still
made it, they have good jobs but the educated ones in their place of work get
paid better than them. TRUE OR FALSE?
Aristotle once said: the root of education is bitter
but the fruits are sweet which is very true when you scrutinize the idea. It is
like an investment which will fetch you a lot of benefits later on. The skills,
knowledge, wisdom one gets from education are indispensable in the sense that
it influences whatever decision we take or actions we take as youths and it
stays with us for life. In the process of acquiring knowledge, it might seem as
if one is being punished or maltreated due to the rigorous training it
involves but once you are done with it you become a goldmine of substantial,
life-sharpening knowledge but at the same time, there is nothing like ‘done
with it’ in education. The fact is learning is continuous until you kick the
bucket. Even teachers and lecturers in our various institutions of learning are
still learning because education does not stop. You can never rest on your ores
in education that is all your life, you must always strive to acquire knowledge
upon knowledge, like Alvin Toffler once said: The illiterate of the 21st
century will not be those who cannot read and write but those who cannot learn,
unlearn and relearn.
According to Awolowo, “If education is costly, try
Ignorance.” Never think that you are wasting your time or money because there
is no amount-no matter how infinitesimal or magnanimous or time that you spend
all in the name of education is a waste especially for the female gender.
Education is life, whatever you do; never stop
acquiring it, no one is too old to be educated!
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