Poverty is not for You!

By Odunayo Akinlade

Poverty is said to be a state of having little or no money and few or no material possession but in this context, it is regarded as when one lacks the basic things of life. Is it financial wealth, wisdom and understanding, experience and many more? Poverty is regarded as a symbol associated with less developed countries but unfortunately it is not an economic abstraction, it is a human condition, grief and pain for the human race.

Whether we like it or not, not everyone is born with a silver spoon. It is a two way thing, if you are not living in prosperity, then you are living in poverty but what do you do when you find yourself in poverty, what do you do take yourself for when you are born into a poor home?

Growing up poor, I knew that my goal was to reach high heights, be rich in terms of material things and in wisdom, knowledge and understanding. I always knew that my dream was to work hard to be prosperous in life and affect the lives of others positively. Guess what, it is not your fault if you were born poor but it will be your fault if you die poor because you have no reason why you should continue to live in poverty when there is always room for success.

However, at the same time, the choice is yours. You can either choose to be up there among the greats or choose to wallow in failure but I want us to remember that as youths, we are the ones to mobilize the world, we are the ones to fill the working class in order to better the economy of our various countries but we cannot achieve this if we choose to make poverty our faithful companion.

Have you ever asked yourself what sets the rich above the poor? 

It is a normal phenomenon to have those who feel they rule the world because of their financial status and those who believe that they have no choice but to subject themselves to a particular class of people; the rich. The rich believe they are the architect of what happens to them in life while the poor believe that they have to accept their fate in life, whatever the case.

Rich people usually think big and they always play the money game to win it but for the poor ones, their thinking capacity is low and whatever makes them to play the money game, it is to lose it.

While the rich people admire their fellow rich, the poor resents the successful ones but it must be noted that these differences varies with human personalities. Not all poor people think the same way but the fact is that these differences are the common trend.

Why not make a difference. The burning issue is that poverty is a very despicable condition in all sense especially for us youths and whether it is our portion or not, our top priority should be how to break free from it shackles and make a significant mark in this world of ours.


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